High Tech DIRTT and Java Centers

“Technology rolls over you, if you’re not part of the steamroller; you’re part of the road.”
– Stewart Brand

Integrated DIRTT Technology

Elegant integration is the best way to treat technology in a great space. It not only conserves real estate, it keeps the place human. However, with technology changing by the minute, any integration needs accessibility and adaptability at the forefront. With DIRTT Walls you can mount technology to the outside or embed it inside where it is safe but accessible to the right people.

DIRTT Walls are designed for integrating technology either inside the Walls or hanging from them. An environment where technology is part of its DNA is an environment that should have DIRTT.
Start with clean, smart integration either inside the walls or hanging from them. Face-mount tiles can be easily removed to integrate monitors, CPUs, speakers, MP3 docks, USB ports, security readers, etc. DIRTT Walls not only support these elements and their accompanying cabling but keep them secure while ensuring their accessibility for the right teams.

DIRTT Java Centers

Everyone would like a great social spot in the workplace – but at what cost? With DIRTT you can have your cake and eat it at the Java Center. Design it in blazing 3D, with the specifications and price produced simultaneously. Hang whatever you want off it, run plumbing through it and watch your colleagues drool over it.

Create a destination spot in your office. A place that shows you are a client-driven business and a desirable employer, without breaking your budget or extending your construction schedule. Create it with DIRTT Java Centers. A Java Center gives you a perfect in-house space to effortlessly host clients and create a pleasant refreshment area to attract and keep great employees. The DIRTT Walls support wiring, plumbing, furniture and appliances, resulting in a hospitable area that integrates elegantly with the rest of your space.

You are free to choose handcrafted cabinetry or modular caseworks. Add dishwashers, sinks, fridges, coffee makers, TVs, granite countertops, etc. You create the perfect response to your needs using ICE® software to design it. Interactive, intelligent and in graphical 3D, ICE lets you quickly design, specify and price the perfect space for your corporate culture. In conventional construction the refreshment area often becomes a casualty of cost and/or schedule overruns. Then it is downgraded or eliminated, but by choosing DIRTT Walls for this aspect of your project you ensure results are on budget, on time and exactly what you wanted. On top of it all, they are as agile and accessible as every other DIRTT application.

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